The Employee Information Item

Item description

This Item uses to manage the basic employee information and administrative reports. This Item has the following data tabs:

- General tab: Display the employees’ information and administrative reports.

- Input new employee Tab: Using to creating new employee information.

- Utilities tab: Utilities support updating the employee information, changing the employee code ...

Implementation Instruction

Input new employee Tab

This tab uses to create new employee information in the software. (Figure V.1.1)

Instructions for creating the new employee information:

  • Method 1: Typing employee information directly on the data grid (fill in the red framed section) -> Click the SAVE button to save the data.


  • Columns with the red headers should not be blank: Employee code; Full name; Date of birth; Gender; ID number; date of starting work.

  • Address column: Input data in the format: House number, lane/hamlet – Ward/ commune - District – City/ province.

  • Date of Birth column: The software supports to typing under 03 formats:

  • dd / MM / yyyy: The employee has full information of date, month, year.

  • MM / yyyy: The employee only has information of month and year.

  • yyyy: The employee only has information of the year.

  • Method 2: Get employee information data from Excel file template

Following to the instruction in section II.2.3.

Instructions to edit, delete and export data

To edit, delete and export data to Excel file, following to the instructions in section II.3, II.4, II.5, II.6.

General Tab

This tab shows the details employee information. This tab consists of 2 parts: The grid on the left of the screen and the Main Information Tab occupied the majority space of the screen.

- The grid on the left of the screen shows the employee list or some data of the reports.

- Main Information Tab shows details of employee information. Method displays employee information:

• Method 1: Typing the employee code or ID number in the Search box -> Click the Search button.

• Method 2: Click inn the line on the grid (Figure V.1.2).

Instruction to edit data

Edit the data directly into the cells in the Main Information tab, then click the Save button to save the data.

Instruction to delete data

Tick into the employee needed to delete on the left grid, then follow the instructions in section II.4.

Instruction to export data

Following to the instruction in sections II.5 and II.6

  1. Reports explanation and instructions for using some special functions

  • Employee list: This report displays all employee information including working, leave and resignation.

  • Working Employees list: This report shows a list of the working employees and excluding leave.

  • List of working and leave: This report shows a list of the working employees and including leave.

  • Newcomers list: This report shows a list of new employees who start working in the period of time.

  • List of employees resigned: This report shows a list of employees who quit their jobs in the period of time.

  • Application for changing location: Print an application to move to a new working location.

  • Printing employees’ card: Instructions for Printing (Figure V.1.3):

Step 1: Select the employee need to print the card on the grid

Step 2: In the Function Box, Select Print employee card and press the Implement button

Step 3: Select Preview print file

Step 4: Click the OK button to preview (shown in Figure V.1.4)

Step 5: Click the print icon to print a card.

List of other reports

  • List of new employees.

  • List of resignation employees

  • List of birthday employees.

      1. Utilities tab

This tab supports some utilities such as: Changing employee code, updating employee data from Excel, updating the big amount of employee photos

Utility to change employee code

Be used in case user want to edit the Employee Code (Figure V.1.5). Typing the old code and new code then click CHANGE CODE to proceed.

Utility to update data by employee code

Use this utility when user want to edit or add information to 1 or all employees in the enterprise.

For example: Additional temporary address for employees, follow these steps:

- Step 1: Click the GET TEMPLATE button to get the Excel file template.

- Step 2: Typing the new information or edit the old information in the sample file (Figure V.1.6).

Noted: Typing only 1 type of information in the VALUES column in one time of edit or addition of information

Step 3: Click the URL button and then choosing the file was filled in at step 2 (Figure V.1.7).

Step 4: Select the input data is Temporary Resident (TV) -> click ENTER button to input data into the software (Figure IV.1.8).

Utility to update photo for employees

To update photos for employees, follow these steps:

- Step 1: The image is given name according to employee code and store all images in the same folder. (Figure V.1.9)

  • Step 3: Click OPEN button to execute the order or click the CANCEL button to cancel.

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