The Item of Family Information and Employees enjoy the baby regime

Item description

This Item manages the employee’s relatives' information such as children, parents, etc.

Implementation instruction

Instructions to create data:

Creating information follows to the instructions in section II.2. After creating, the data will be displayed as Figure V.2.1.


  • Submitted Paper: This column confirms information.

  • Baby-care day: The starting date is counted to receiving the regime of the baby under 6 years-old.

Instructions to edit, delete and export data

To edit, delete and export data to Excel file, follow the instructions in section II.3, II.4, II.5, II.6.

Instructions to use some special functions

  • Print the early leave card: This function uses to print the card for the employees enjoy the regime who take care baby under 1 year old. To print the card: Select the Report of Small children under 1 year old (Female employees) in the Function box -> Then following to the instructions in V.1.2.2.d. Early leave card will be shows as Figure V.2.3

List of other reports

  • See all employees.

  • List of dependents.

  • List of children under 1 years-old (Female employees).

  • List of children under 6 years-old (Female employees).

Last updated