Insurance Report

Item description

This Item uses to calculate the insurance increase/ decrease and related reports according to form D02-TS.

Implementation Instruction

Instructions for getting the data of increase or decrease insurance monthly

Follow the instructions as shown in Figure VIII.3.1

Step 1: In the Function box, select “Analyze the data of increasing Insurance” or “Analyze the data of decreasing Insurance”

  • Step 2: Click the "Implementation" button

  • Step 3: Select the month to get the insurance data

  • Step 4: Select "Export Excel"

  • Step 5: Click "OK" to save the data and select "Cancel". Click "OK", the data will be displayed on the grid as shown in Figure VIII.3.2.

  • Step 6: Click "Yes" or "No" to save or not to save information into the database.

Instructions for additional the data of increase or decrease insurance monthly

After checking information in the list of insurance increase / decrease in the month (Figure VIII.3.2), if users need to add more information, follow the instructions in section II.2. The data will be displayed as shown in Figure VIII.3.3.

Instructions for getting D02 – TS Form

  1. Step 1: In the Function box, select the form D02 - TS to be declared (Figure VIII.3.4):

File D02 - TS (Decrease): List of employees who need to decrease insurance in the month.

File D02 - TS (Increase): List of employees who need to increase insurance in the month.

File D02 - TS (Increase and Decrease): List of employees who need to increase and decrease insurance in the month.

Step 2: Click the "IMPLEMENTATION" button (Figure VIII.3.4)

  1. Step 3: Select the month

  2. Step 4: Select "Export Excel"

  3. Step 5: Click the "OK" button to get the form D02 - TS as shown in Figure VIII.3.5

Instructions to edit, delete and export data

To edit, delete and export data to Excel file, follow the instructions in section II.3, II.4, II.5, II.6.

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