Section Content

In the process of managing the human resources task, a number of individual words will be used. This section will explain those.


  • Function box (Figure I.2.1) contains:

+ Reports list: List of new employees; Timekeeping Report; Monthly Salary Report

+ Order list: Calculate timekeeping, Calculate Payroll, Get timekeeping data.…

Grid/ data grid: Figure 1.2.2

    • The data display of all information after input the software.

    • Users can edit data on the grid

Toolbar (Figure I.2.3): Using to typing information and search data.

Task bar (Figure I.2.4): The interface on the left of the screen contains 4 main modules of the software and a list of Item and management functions within each module.


Item and function

General settings

Company information; Register a new user or delete Current user; User permission...

Employees information

Staff information; Family information; Transferring position….


Registration of overtime; Registration of leave; Calculation timekeeping ...


Pay Grade settings; List of dependents; Payroll….

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