Instruction to register overtime

1.1. Item description

This Item manages the employees overtime registration data

1.2. Implementation instruction

Instructions for registering overtime information

To register, follow the instructions in section II.2. The data will then be displayed as Figure VI.1.1.

Interface Explanation:

  • Overtime registration: the number of hours register overtime (unit is the hour).

  • Overtime type: there are 5 types of overtime (overtime after; overtime before; overtime noonday; overtime offset; overtime no offset)

      • Overtime on working day:

        • Overtime after: the overtime after working time.

        • Overtime before: the overtime before working time.

        • Overtime noonday: the overtime during lunch break.

      • Overtime on Sundays or holidays:

        • Overtime offset: Overtime registration then the employees can get one day for off work.

        • Overtime no offset: Registration overtime without compensatory day-off.

  • The Shift: Working shift, based on this shift to calculate overtime for employees

Instruction to edit, delete and export data

To edit, delete and export data to Excel file, follow the instructions in section II.3, II.4, II.5, II.6

  1. Reports Explanation

  • Detailed overtime registration table: The list of overtime registrations of each day for each employee

  • General overtime registration table: the list of multi-days overtime registrations of employees.

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